African cooperation

Estonia, digital leader of Europe, will make Africa digital leader of the World.


Within the last 20+ years, Estonia has built a world leading digital society. Over the last 5+ years, Estonian ICT Cluster supported African countries in the whole process of building a resilient digital society and growing a profitable business.
Building e-Estonia as one of the most advanced e-societies in the world has involved continuous experimentation and learning from our mistakes. That is why we are ready to lead by example and believe that we can support African countries to become resilient e-societies with automatic e-services available 24/7 as well.

Examples of e-Government technologies implemented in Africa

Tanzania, Uganda – X-Road proof of concept projects
Kenya – mobile mapping and digital cartography building; 
Tanzania – e-Justice solution development; 
Nigeria – federal budget and human resources systems for the Government of Nigeria;
Botswana – tax management and collection system;
Benin, Namibia, Tunisia – governmental interoperability framework and secure data exchange platform; 
Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Uganda – piloting of education information system project;
Demo environment of the Estonian e-Government solutions.

Estonian ICT Cluster partnerships in/for Africa

November 2017 – signing of MoU between the African Union Commission and the Republic of Estonia;
March 2018 – signing of MoU between Smart Africa Alliance and Estonian ICT Cluster launch of the first joint pilot project (AgriTech) in January 2022;
Bilateral MoUs with Kenya, Mauritius, Rwanda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda;
January 2019 (continuing) – project “Implementation of e-Governance Technologies in Developing countries”;
August 2020 – signing of MoU between East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) and the Republic of Estonia;
October 2020 – GovStack with ITU, GIZ, DIAL;
December 2020 – launch of the AU-EU D4D Hub project;
April 2023 – signing of renewed MoU between Smart Africa Alliance and Estonian ICT Cluster.

Practical workshops carried out by Estonian ICT Cluster in Africa

May 2018 – participation in Transform Africa Summit 2018;
May 2019 – „E-governance Educational workshop“ in Cote d’Ivoire with the African Union;
May 2019 – participation in Transform Africa Summit 2019;
September 2019 – Participation at Union for the Mediterranean Conference on Digital Transformation and Digital Skills for the Future in Tallinn;
October 2019 – e-governance workshop for the delegation of the Senate of Kenya;
October 2019 – participation at the 3rd Tanzania Annual ICT Conference;
November 2019 – e-Governance workshop for the Office of the Prime Minister of Namibia;
January 2020 – e-Governance workshop for the National Assembly of Botswana;
July 2020 – a practical workshop series on Digital Economy Policies and Plans Development with Smart Africa (online);
January 2021 – a workshop on Digital ID for EAC Partner States with EASTECO (online);
February and December 2021 – practical educational workshops on e-Governance solutions for Algeria and Mauritania with GIZ (online);
October 2021 – e-Governance themed side event at Global Business Forum Africa at Dubai EXPO 2020 with Smart Africa;
December 2021 – e-Governance workshop for ICT Minister of Egypt;
February 2022 – high-level study visit for Smart Africa delegation in Tallinn;
May 2022 – practical workshop “Roadmap for effective e-Government ecosystem” at e-Governance Conference in Tallinn;
September 2022 – participation and workshops at 5th Conference of Partnerships between German and African Municipalities in Dresden;
October 2022 – participation and workshop at the 5th Tanzania Annual ICT Conference;
September 2022 – kick-off of Gambia assessment under the AU-EU D4D Hub;
December 2022 – kick-off of Tanzania assessment under the AU-EU D4D Hub;
November 2022 – workshop on digital identity to the delegation from Libya;
February 2023 – high-level visit to Egypt and kick-off of digital signature project under the AU-EU D4D Hub;
March 2023 – kick-off of Uganda assessment and pilot project under the AU-EU D4D Hub;
March 2023 – high level visit to Namibia and Botswana;
April 2023 – high level participation and several side sessions at Transform Africa Summit 2023;
April 2023 – study visit of Tanzania delegation;
November 2023 – study visit of Ethiopia delegation;
November 2023 – digitalization workshop in Egypt;
December 2023 – digitalization workshop in Morocco.

We help countries and organizations achieve world-class digital societies.


Jana SilaškovaHead of Internationalization, e-Government+372 617 7145+372 5340 5200