ITS Estonia unites the intelligent transportation and logistic systems (ITS) community in Estonia. It provides You easy access to Estonian achievements in the field of smart mobility and covers a wide range of innovative solutions that help users increase the effectiveness, safety and sustainability of transport and logistics.
ITS Estonia network webpage:
Main objectives:
- To provide platform for collaboration and innovation for public, private and R&D sector in the field of intelligent transportation and logistics.
- To gain and share new knowledge and competences concerning future trends and innovative technologies.
- To support internationalisation and growth of the sector.
- To be the driving force of starting new pilot projects on local and international level.
Our members:
ITS Estonia is the official member of The Network of National ITS Associations, which is a grouping of national ITS organisations formed in order to ensure that ITS knowledge and information is transmitted to all actors at the local and national level and support ITS promotion from the ground up.