Connected Africa Summit in Kenya

April 26, 2024

This week, ITL, together with its members and partners, will be attending the Connected Africa Summit in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Connected Africa Summit 2024 brings together different digital actors in Africa as well as partners from Europe, the United States and around the world to discuss digital cooperation.

A series of meetings, events and panel discussions will take place in and around the conference. For example, there was an opportunity to talk to Kenyan partners about digitisation in the tax sector and to participate in a panel discussion on data governance. Head on Internationalization at ITL, Jana Silaškova, had the privilege of participating in the Talent Partnership Summit co-organised with ESTDEV partners at Strathmore University, where she talked about digital skills.

Estonian delegation was lead by undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia Mariin Ratnik. ITL companies ADM, Cybernetica, Digital Nation, Nortal and Wisercat are on a business visit together with the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV). Team Europe was also present in the framework of the Africa-EU D4D Hub project.

Photos: D4D Hub, ESTDEV, ITL, Connected Africa Summit

Jana SilaškovaHead of InternationalizationITL e-Government Cluster