ITL Awards of the Year Announced

March 24, 2023

Four awards were presented at the ITL annual award ceremony.

It is the tradition of ITL on its birthday to recognize with a sector award those people whose ideas, initiatives or activities have significantly influenced our field in Estonia or Estonian life in general.

ITL’s Deed of the Year celebrates a specific initiative that positively surprised the IT industry in the corresponding year. “In some ways, the act is imperceptible this time, and that’s why we highlight it,” explains ITL CEO Doris Põld. With the award “Deed of the Year 2022” was recognized the Information System Authority (RIA) cyber security team for keeping the Estonian digital ecosystem functioning without problems in a situation where cyber attacks have multiplied.

Gert Auväärt and Tõnu Tammer from Information System Authority (RIA)

“We are grateful that RIA’s Incident Response Unit (CERT-EE) monitors what is happening in cyberspace around the clock and contributes to preventing incidents and helping to resolve them. After 2007. cyber attacks and Russia’s military assault on Ukraine it cannot be avoided in any other way. Since there have been no major cyber incidents that would affect our vital services or critical infrastructure too much and thus our normal life, we therefore have the assurance of the country’s cyber security in the hands of highly competent defenders.”

With the award “Doer of the Year 2022” was recognized The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA) for its decisive action in protecting the Estonian information space from Russian war propaganda in cooperation with its partners.

Allan Aedmaa from ITL plus Kristi Talving and Helen Rohtla from The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA)

“Russia’s war in Ukraine is a litmus test for identifying the best partners, and as the union we want to highlight TTJA as the best cooperation partner,” explains Doris Põld, CEO of the ITL. “Together with telecommunications companies they managed to find a solution to the implementation of anti-Russian sanctions under time pressure in a difficult situation and reacted super quickly by stopping broadcasting hateful TV channels and blocking online platforms on the territory of the Estonian state.”

Another award “Doer of the Year 2022” went to the Dubai EXPO 2020 team for ensuring the successful representation of Estonia at the world exhibition Dubai EXPO 2020.

Andres Kask, head of EXPO team

ITL CEO Doris Põld says that introducing the digital country in the rental pavilion instead of the tangible Estonian candle at the world exhibition was a good idea, which the team representing Estonia solved nicely. “To participate in the world technology market, the chosen focus of our pavilion was the right moment for e-Estonia. At the EXPO in the Middle East, substantive work in the field of export and business diplomacy became more important than form. The whole world was present in Dubai, thanks to the effective networking of the representatives of the Estonian pavilion, Estonians got a lot of contacts and attention. We are grateful that the opportunity to participate in the world exhibition – won in cooperation between private companies and professional associations – was realized.”

ITL’s “Breakthrough of the Year 2022” award was given to GScan for a high-tech solution created in the symbiosis of business development and scientific innovation, the potential of which is greater than we can currently imagine both across sectors and on a global scale.

Hannes Plinte and Märt Mägi from GScan

GScan team has created a muon tomograph, a scanner with the help of which, for example, it is possible to detect prohibited and dangerous items and substances in luggage at border points. “GScan is a good example of how an idea originally belonging to the field of science fiction has been transformed into a truly functional high-tech solution through the successful cooperation of universities and companies,” explains ITL CEO Doris Põld. “ITL believes that the growth of the added value of the Estonian economy can come from innovative companies that cooperate with universities. GScan is a model example of how science has reached business, we want to set an example and present them as an example for others.”


ITL, 24.03.2023

Doris PõldCEO, Estonian ICT Cluster Manager+372 617 7145+372 511 4411