Leaders of technology unions meet in Budapest
April 22, 2024CEOs from DIGITALEUROPE network of digital associations gathered in Budapest.
The aim was to design a path toward a competitive, innovative, digitally skilled Europe = what we need to make Europe a Digital Powerhouse.

Doris Põld, CEO of ITL said that in order to improve in digitalization we have to collaborate and talk with each other – it’s team effort Europe! Here are three answers – how to be more competitive as Europe – resulting from the summit:
- European citizens are lacking digital skills. This needs to change, and for that, we must leave behind the old educational methods to embrace the new;
- We find great examples across Europe of digitalised and hence efficient, streamlined public administrations. Why not widen this to the whole EU?
- Europe needs to act as one team! Enrico Letta’s Single Market report is a wake-up call for Europeans to start pushing in the same direction.