Tech-sector met with Estonian Prime Minister

January 21, 2025

Representatives of the Estonian tech-sector met Prime Minister Kristen Michal.

We talked about how to achieve a protected and competitive Estonia through cooperation. In addition to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy and Industry Erkki Keldo and the Vice-Chancellor for Economy and Innovation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Sandra Särav also participated in the meeting.

There were several topics – from the competetiveness of the digital state to the talents -, all of them framed with the goal of how we can build a more efficient, business-friendly country in cooperation where the technology sector would like to continue to grow.

In the meeting addition to board of ITL, people from Estonian Founders Society, Startup Estonia, Estonian Business Angels Network (EstBAN), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia, and Enterprise Estonia were participating in discussions.

Doris PõldCEO, Estonian ICT Cluster Manager+372 617 7145+372 511 4411