We stand for the people in our sector. And we are making it easier for ICT companies to operate.

We are a cooperation network in the field of ICT that speaks for the innovation of the digital society - our vision is a smart Estonia. We are improving cooperation between the private and public sectors. The turnover of companies belonging to ITL makes up over 70% of the total turnover of the Estonian ICT sector.

Workforce and education
Workforce and education Better technological skills, more successful application of knowledge in real problems and more flexible labor market policies.
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Politics Creating better and better e-services and ensuring a comfortable living and business environment for both today's and future Estonian residents.
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Business development and exports
Business development and exports A smarter and bolder economy based on smart products, participation in high-value production chains and a real-time economy. Export of experience.
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June 25, 2024

Doris Põld is the new vice president of DigitalEurope

The European technology association DigitalEurope elected a new board for two years, where Doris Põld, the CEO of the ITL, took the role of vice president. Peter Weckesser (Schneider Electric) was elected president of the union.

May 27, 2024

We participated at Latitude59

May 16, 2024

Three cities in the UK in three days

April 26, 2024

Connected Africa Summit in Kenya