Cyber Support

Over the past two years, many cyber incidents have occurred in Estonia resulting in significant losses to companies. In what ways can companies be more aware of cybersecurity and business risks, and how can they best protect their data, customers and money? ITL demonstrates optimum protective measures using three company cases as examples. Teams from ITL executed ethical attacks on Mobire Eesti AS, Finants ja Marketing OÜ and Esthus OÜ. These companies volunteered to participate in the attacks, leading to the identification and rectification of critical vulnerabilities and a deeper understanding of the business risks associated with cyber threats. Videos where the experience is told by attackers and company representatives (open video to see the story full screen):

Where to find support

CEOs and employees do not have to become information security experts; they can rely on the experts from ITL member companies. Here you can find experts who can help resolve cybersecurity issues.

The following participated in the campaign:
Estonian ICT Cluster, CGI Eesti AS, CYBERS, Cyberarch Consulting OÜ, CybExer Technologies OÜ, Lean Digital OÜ, Microsoft Estonia OÜ, OIXIO AS, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet CERT-EE, SK ID Solutions AS, Swedbank AS, Wisercat Estonia OÜ.  

Communication partners: ITL, CYBERS, RIA, Elisa Eesti AS, Swedbank AS, Microsoft Estonia OÜ. Video production: Vaas OÜ.  

The production was financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Estonian ICT cluster project.

The production was financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Estonian ICT cluster project.

In cooperation with its members, ITL has initiated the collection of best practices in several areas, on the basis of which good practices have been agreed or guidance materials-recommendations have been created.

Cyber Security recommendations

ITL encourages businesses and individuals to think about the basics of cybersecurity. Attacks and confusion in Estonian cyberspace have increased in connection with what is happening in Ukraine. The risk of companies falling victim to cyber attacks has also increased. In order to reduce this risk, ITL recommends to follow some rules.

Manifesto for secure software development

At a time when digitisation has become the norm in almost all fields, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the security of the digital space. The development companies that are members of the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL) want to take on a greater role and responsibility in the secure development of the software they create and have signed a manifesto, i.e., the good practice of secure software development.