Project name: Estonian ICT cluster III
Project objectives: Estonian ICT cluster is the main force to support ICT companies cooperation and development in Estonia. It is ICT enterprises co-operation platform, which objective is to increase the usability of ICT in other economic sectors of domestic and foreign markets. Through this, we aim to foster the development of new solutions, the creation of new products, and to improve the companies’ competitive ability in the international market.
Project period: 1.09.2015-28.02.2018
Project budget: 850 000 EUR
Project partners: Aktors AS, BCS Itera AS, Columbus Eesti AS, Consulting Software OÜ, Cross Borders Trust Services OÜ, Cybernetica AS, Datel AS, Ecofleet Eesti OÜ, Eesti Telekom AS, eKool AS, Elisa Eesti AS, Ericsson Eesti AS, Fujitsu Estonia AS, Goswift OÜ, Guardtime AS, Hariduse Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutus (HITSA), Helmes AS, Levira AS, Mainor Ülemiste AS, Microsoft Estonia OÜ, Net Group OÜ, Nortal AS, Proekspert AS, Protex Balti AS, Regio AS, Sertifitseerimiskeskus AS, Tallinna Teaduspark Tehnopol Sihtasutus, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Technopolis Ülemiste AS, Tieto Estonia AS
Project supported by: Enterprise Estoia through EU Regional Development Fund