Project name: Holistic Urban and Peri-urban Mobility
Project objective and main activities: provide a holistic approach to the planning, implementation, optimisation and management of integrated, sustainable mobility solutions in Baltic Sea port cities. Mobility in this context includes both people and goods (i.e. freight, cargo logistics and delivery). Concrete examples of innovations addressed are greener urban logistics and combinations of goods- and passenger traffic, intelligent traffic systems based services, tools for stakeholder participation, and new tools for transportation mobility management and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS).
Project period: 01.01.2019-30.06.2021, due to the global Covid-19 crisis, the project was extended until 31.12.2021
Project budget: 1 957 971 EUR
Project partners: Lead Aalto University, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg / District of Altona, City of Riga, City of Tallinn, City of Turku, Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden, ITL Digital Lab, Union of the Baltic Cities – Sustainable Cities Commission
Project activities supported by: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programm co-funded by the European Union
Project webpage: www.hupmobile-project.eu
Project contact: Ralf-Martin Soe, ralf-martin.soe@itl.ee