Smart product pilots
In cooperation with the Estronics cluster and Tallinn University of Technology, the Estonian ICT Cluster initiated two smart product pilot projects with the aim of proving that it is possible to use digitalisation to change the business model in traditional industries.
Ragnarok 2.0
This is a work suit prototype with features such as speech recognition, GPS-positioning, fall detection, activity monitoring, safety light and more. The smart workwear prototype Ragnarok 2.0 was developed through collaboration: the Estonian ICT Cluster brought ICT companies and Tallinn Technical University representatives together to implement the smart product prototype. Instead of producing a predictable app or technological device, they decided to develop a product in a highly traditional sector. They then teamed up with the textile company Protex, and the Estonian smart electronics cluster ESTRONICS and electronics companies also joined the project.
Smart trailer
Smart trailer allows clients to reserve and rent trailers via a mobile app, which also lets the users monitor certain indicators of the trailer. The contracting authorities intend to put the real product created on the basis of the prototype into use as soon as possible. The contracting authorities of the smart trailer are Bestnet/Alexela, and the product prototype was created in collaboration with Tallinn University of Technology, THE Systems and Wazombi Labs, with Telia as an ITL representative.