Sümpoosion Next Generation Government

14. september 2021 - 15. september 2021

TalTech Mektorys toimub 14.-15. septembril 2021 rahvusvaheline sümpoosion NEXT GENERATION GOVERNMENT: Challenges and Opportunities in Open Digital Society.

This conference brings together stakeholders from academia, government, and the private sector in a symposium format to better understand next generation government issues from interdisciplinary perspectives in technology, education, government, and law. No longer can siloed approaches suffice for responding to society’s problems. Collaborative visions for the next generation of technology and architecture ensure not only the public sector’s delivery of e-services and participating citizens but securing the healthy operation of the nation-state itself.

Sponsors: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia, TalTech University, Tallinn University, Tartu University, Helsinki University, Citizen OS. NGGS is is co-funded by the European Social Fund.