Study visit to Packbridge Cluster

14. mai 2021

On 27th and 28th of October 5 clusters from Sweden, Latvia and Estonia participated on a study visit to Sweden to Packbridge cluster.  Packbridge is a well-known international packaging cluster established in 2010. They are a neutral and non-profit network uniting all stakeholders in and around the entire packaging industry, i.e.

On 27th and 28th of October 5 clusters from Sweden, Latvia and Estonia participated on a study visit to Sweden to Packbridge cluster.  Packbridge is a well-known international packaging cluster established in 2010. They are a neutral and non-profit network uniting all stakeholders in and around the entire packaging industry, i.e. producers, customers, suppliers, researchers and innovators.

During the study-visit the clusters main services, principles and activities were introduced. Also possible cooperation projects were discussed.

The study-trip were an activity of the 5forExcellence Project which is co-financed by the European Union Cosme Programme.

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the management excellence of the involved clusters.
5 partners from Sweden, Estonia and Latvia, representing 5 clusters working in 3 industrial sectors: information technologies, logistics, and food production and processing are members of the 5FOREXCELLENCE consortium.